M.Sc. Christian Gorges

Wiss. Mitarbeiter/-in

Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik
Institut für Verfahrenstechnik
Lehrstuhl Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik

- 2014-2017: B.Sc. Process engineering at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
- 02.2017-09.2017: Internship and Bachelorthesis at Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg about the downscaling of a production plant for high viscous cosmetic emulsions into a pilot plant under attention of economic process capabilities
- 2017-2019: M.Sc. Process engineering at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Thesis topic: Implementation and validation of various history force models for particles in flows.
- Since 07.2019: Research assistant/PhD candidate at the Chair of Mechanical Process Engineering.

Research topic: "Numerical modelling of nonlinear interfacial flows/capillary systems with surfactant laden interfaces."
Christian’s research focuses on the numerical modelling of interfacial flows with surfactant concentration depending surface tension and surface viscosity via an state-of-the-art interface tracking method. The objective is to get an improved insight into the complex physics of interfacial flows with, for instance, break-up or instability phenomena and their dependence on the surface pressure governed by the interfacial surfactant concentration. 

Last Modification: 26.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster