M.Sc. Aman Kumar Jain

Wiss. Mitarbeiter/-in

Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik
Institut für Verfahrenstechnik
Lehrstuhl Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik


  • 2014 – 2018 : Bachelor of Engineering: Mechanical Engineering at the Jadavpur University, India.
  • 2019 – 2021 : Master of Science: Chemical and Energy Engineering at the Otto von Guericke University. Thesis topic : Analysis of mixing of particles with a trimodal size distribution in rotating drums: effect of end wall geometry.
  • Since 05.2021 : Research assistant at the Chair of Mechanical Process Engineering.

Research topic:

Particle dispersion and deposition in evaporating sessile droplets.

  • Project description : The research focuses on the dispersion and deposition of particles which are affected by several factors such as the flow pattern in the evaporating droplet, interactions of particles with substrate and interface and also the effect of shape and size of dispersed particles. To understand the complex phenomena of dispersion and deposition of particles, we develop a DNS algorithm capable of modeling the evaporation of the sessile droplets together with the interaction and dynamics of suspended particles.

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